Pawprints of Katrina Page 24
Scherer, George
Scherer, Sean
Schloner, Theresa and Henry
Schutt, Vicki
Schwarzenegger, Governor Arnold
Seals, Barbara
Seymour, Claudia and Ernest
Shields, Scott
Short, Mickey
Siegal, Bart
Siegel, Robin
Signmund, Chandra
Simmons, Tracey
Smith, Bert
Smith, Clarence
Smith, Diane
Smith, Pam and Gene
Smith, Rob and Kim
snakes, rescue of
Snow, Troy
Soto, Austin
Southern Animal Foundation
Spease, Terrie
Speyrer, Betty and Gregory
Spindletop Pit Bull Refuge
St. Bernard High School, shootings at
St. Bernard Parish
St. Francis Animal Sanctuary
Camp Tylertown setup
Heidi Krupp and Pam Perez and
St. John, Amanda
Stafford, Rob
Stealth Volunteers
Steinway, Mark
Stephens, Jack
Taylor, Heather
TEARS Animal Rescue group
Tharp, Lynn
Thomas, Susan
Trockman, Melanie
Twister Sisters (stormchasers)
Tyson family
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Vogel, Shirley Swift
volunteers. See also specific people
Waiters, Bill
Walser, Linda
Walsh, Nancy
Wartelle, Kris
Watt, Juliette
Welling, Anne
Westminister Pet Sanctuary
Wheat, Karen
Willenberg, Peggy
Willheit, Julie
Willheit, Nicholas
Willheit, Randy
Williams, Jill and Steve
Williams, Reggie
Wilson, Shana
Wolak, Darla
Wolfe, Chipa
Woodard, Sherry
Woods, Joy
Wyman, Doris and Henry
About the Author
Cathy Scott, a veteran journalist, traveled to New Orleans to report the stories of pets displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Best Friends Animal Society, whose work she covered, later hired her as a writer for its magazine and Web sites. She has published one biography and four true-crime books. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Las Vegas Sun, George magazine, and Reuters News Service. Scott, a member of the Society of Professional Journalists’ national Speakers Bureau, has appeared on CNN, Court TV, MSNBC, Unsolved Mysteries, National Public Radio, and the BBC. She lives in Las Vegas and has a second home in San Diego.
A volunteer comforts a just-rescued kitten named Love Bug.
Craig Hill, a volunteer from New Jersey, searches for surviving pets in a storm-damaged house in the Lower Ninth Ward.
A house with a standard “X” from rescuers indicating the remains of a dog on a leash who died on the porch.
An unnamed volunteer walks rescued dogs from a St. Bernard Parish street to a waiting van with fellow rescuers John Hoenemeier (center) and Ethan Gurney (right).
Angel, a Pit Bull, just after she was rescued from the second floor of St. Bernard High School.
Rescuer John Hoenemeier lures a cat from his hiding place.
Mike McCleese from Cincinnati carries an exhausted terrier mix to a transport van in St. Bernard Parish.
A frightened dog flees in a damaged Gentilly neighborhood.
A lost spaniel-Beagle mix watches as he’s about to be rescued.
A terrier mix slips from his hiding place under a house.
Kelli Orhtman and fellow rescuer Doug Klein feed a just-rescued German Shepherd mix. The dog, named Sandy, was later reunited with her family.
A kitten (later named Nola Vie) is rescued from Plaquemines Parish in November 2005.
A frightened Pit Bull mix (later named Bright Eyes) watches as rescuers approach his hiding place.
Rescuer Ethan Gurney gives Bright Eyes a treat.
Lane Ikenberry pets his cat, Petey, at their damaged home in Orleans Parish.
Volunteer Suzanne “Trixie” Hall carries an injured dog to safety at Plaquemines Parish.
Police K-9 handler Cliff Deutsch carries BayBay, an English Cocker Spaniel, to safety.
A cat walks a storm-damaged street three weeks after the hurricane.
Sheriff, a scared and hungry Rottweiler, stares as his rescuers approach.
A cat is captured in a humane trap in a damaged Gentilly neighborhood.
Janice Tuma walks a Beagle she just rescued from a street in Violet, in St. Bernard Parish.
Dr. Debbie Rykoff hydrates an injured dog as veterinary technician Jeff Popowich and Suzanne “Trixie” Hall assist.
Volunteer Kim Johnson points out on a map where feeding and water stations are set up for stranded pets.
An aerial view of the grounds at St. Francis Animal Sanctuary’s fifty acres in Tylertown, Mississippi.
Sean Scherer (front, with Beagle) and fellow volunteers in the admissions area at Camp Tylertown.
Volunteers wet down an overheated Jack Russell Terrier at base camp.
Groomer Laura Loder cleans up a rescued Maltese at base camp.
Drying food dishes in the Back Forty area at Camp Tylertown.
A volunteer watches over sleeping puppies at the Celebration Station triage center.
Michael Mountain, president of Best Friends Animal Society, gets up close and personal with Big Bird, an emu rescued from St. Bernard Parish.
A rescued Beagle greets a visitor at Celebration Station’s triage center in Metairie, a suburb of New Orleans.
Volunteers (left to right) Catherine “Cat” Gabrel, Tom Gambill, and Kelli Ohrtman on the porch at the M*A*S*H Unit triage area at Camp Tylertown.
Hurricane Rita hovers over Camp Tylertown.
Volunteer caregiver Bob Rude pauses with a young cat at base camp’s Kitty City.
Susan Thomas takes a break next to a transport van with a just-rescued dog from the streets of New Orleans.
A volunteer’s bedding and cot below her native Canadian flag, on the second floor in the sleeping quarters of the Celebration Station triage center.
Chandra Sigmund, who helped run the cat triage center at Celebration Station, works at night with a rescued cat on her lap.
Cofounders Pam Perez (left) and Heidi Krupp (right) on the grounds of St. Francis Animal Sanctuary in Tylertown, home to base camp, with their rescued yellow Labs.
Volunteer veterinary technician Carey Belcher makes the rounds in Kitty City on Christmas Eve.
Animal expert Sherry Woodard holds a puppy in a stocking on Christmas Day at Camp Tylertown.
A rescued dog at base camp carries a Christmas present: a PVC pipe stuffed with wet dog food.
Itty Bitty, an aging two-and-a-half-pound Chihuahua, at base camp shortly after her rescue.
Adopter Diane McDermott walks behind her Boynton Beach, Florida, home with Red, a paralyzed Pit Bull rescued after the storm.
Myra and Michael Burchell hug their Yorkshire Terrier, Rosco, at base camp when they see him for the first time after the storm.
Connie Fitch playing at home with BayBay (featured on this book’s cover) after the English Cocker Spaniel was rescued from a flooded backyard shed.
The Hurtado family reunite with their Boxers, Kassi and Uggio, as animal care manager Sherry Woodard looks on.
Sadie, a Chow Chow, and John David at his New Orleans flower shop after their reunion.
Allen Thomas and Buddy at home after they’re reunited.
A bald Poodle, dubbed the “Survivor” and later named Marina, tries to hide just before she’s rescued.
Marina, the formerly bald Poodle, being cr
adled a year later by her adopter, Mary Salter.